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Privacy policy

Effective Date: March 8, 2024

The AI Impact Alliance cares about protecting your privacy. In this privacy policy (the “Policy”), we explain the data we gather from users and how it is used.


Voluntarily Disclosed Information. When you use the Services, you will have the opportunity to provide us with some information directly. For example, you have the ability to sign up for our email list. When you provide AI Impact Alliance with your email, we will add it to our mailing list to send you periodical updates. We use Mailchimp to send our newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking “Unsubscribe” at the bottom of each email, or as indicated in the instructions provided by MailChimp.

Automatically Collected Information. Whenever you interact with this app, we automatically receive and record your IP address. You may be able to disable our access to some of this information through your browser settings.


Some amount of sharing is necessary for AI Impact Alliance to provide you with email follow ups, ensure the highest possible quality participatory data annotation, and to comply with the law. The following organizations, entities and individuals have access to the information described above:

AI Impact Alliance and Its Contractors. Members of the AI Impact Alliance team, and any independent contractors they retain to work on the Services, may have access to user information as it is reasonably needed for the operation of the Services.

Third-Party Service Providers. We may employ other companies and individuals to perform tasks on our behalf (such as Mailchimp for our newsletter). We will share your information with them as is needed for them to provide such assistance. Unless we announce differently, these third parties do not have any right to use the information we share with them beyond what is necessary to assist us.

Aggregate Information. AI Impact Alliance may share aggregated, non-personally-identifiable data derived from user information for any operational purpose, including for analyzing usage behavior or to help identify new partners, programs, and opportunities.


In the event that we decide to change this Policy, we will post those changes on the AI Impact Alliance website so you can remain aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances we disclose it. Please check this page periodically for updates. The effective date of the current version will be posted at the top of this Policy.